Academic Research
Goldenberg MJ. Vaccine Hesitancy: Public Trust, Expertise, and the War on Science. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Furman, K, Goldenberg MJ. “Disagreement in Public Health.” Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Disagreement, eds. M. Baghramian, JA Carter, R Rowland. Routledge. (accepted for publication)
Krastev C, et al. “Institutional Trust is a Distinct Construct Related to Vaccine Hesitancy and Refusal.” BMC Public Health 2481 (2023)
Goldenberg, MJ. “Medical Expertise.” Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Medicine , ed. A. Broadbent. Oxford University Press. (in press)
Corsten C, et al. “Understanding COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Canada.” Vaccine (2023)
Goldenberg MJ, et al. “Vaccine Mandates and Public Trust do not have to be Antagonistic.” Nature Human Behavior (2023)
BOOK FORUM ‘Vaccine Hesitancy: Public Trust, Expertise, and the War on Science by Maya Goldenberg’ Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 96 (2022).
Snyder J, et al. “Crowdfunding Narratives and the Valuation of Vaccines for COVID-19.” Vaccine 40:36 (2022): 5295-5298.
Clase C, et al. “Can Peer Review Be Kinder? Supportive Peer Review: A Re-Commitment to Kindness and a Call to Action.” Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 9 (2022).
BOOK PANEL Author Meets Critics: ‘Vaccine Hesitancy: Public Trust, Expertise. and the War on Science by Maya J. Goldenberg. International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15:2 (2022).
Goldenberg MJ. “A Feminist Take on Vaccine Hesitancy.” International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15:1 (2022): 180-182.
O’Doherty K, et al. “Deliberation on Childhood Vaccination in Canada: Public Input on Ethical Trade-Offs in Vaccination Policy.” AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (2021): 253-265.
Upshur REG and MJ Goldenberg. “Countering Medical Nihilism by Reconnecting Facts and Values.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 84 (2020): 75-83.
Goldenberg MJ. “Vaccines, Values, and Science.” Canadian Medical Association 19:14 (8 April 2019): E397-8.
Goldenberg MJ. “Public Misunderstanding of Science?” Reframing the Problem of Vaccine Hesitancy.” Perspectives on Science 24:5 (2016): 552-581.
Goldenberg MJ. “Whose Social Values? Evaluating Canada’s ‘Death of Evidence’ Controversy.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45:3 (2015): 404-424.
Goldenberg MJ. “The Placebo Orthodoxy and the Double Standard of Care in Multinational Clinical Research.” Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36:1 (2015): 7-23.
Goldenberg MJ. “How can Feminist Theories of Evidence Assist Clinical Reasoning and Decision-making?” Social Epistemology 29:1 (2015): 3-33.
Goldenberg MJ. “Diversity in Epistemic Communities: A Response to Clough.” Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 3:5 (2014): 25-30.
Goldenberg MJ. “Is ‘Scientifically-Informed Yet Humanistic Medicine’ the Solution to the Crisis of Modern Medicine? A Friendly Corrective to the Emergent Model of Person-Centered Medicine.” European Journal of Person-Centered Healthcare 2:1 (2014): 106-113.
Goldenberg MJ. “Defining ‘Quality of Care’ Persuasively.” Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 33:4 (2012): 243-261
Goldenberg MJ. “Innovating Medical Knowledge: Understanding Evidence-Based Medicine as a Socio-Medical Phenomenon.” In Evidence-Based Medicine. ed. N Sitara. InTech Publications, 2012.
Goldenberg MJ. “A Response to Sestini’s (2011) Response.” Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17:5 (2011): 1004-1005.
Goldenberg MJ. “From Popperian Science to Normal Science. Commentary on Sestini (2010).” Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16:2 (2010): 306-310.
Goldenberg MJ. “Clinical Evidence and the Absent Body in Medical Epistemology: On the Need for a New Phenomenology of Medicine.” International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 3:1 (2010): 43-71.
Goldenberg MJ. “Iconoclast or Creed? Objectivism and Pragmatism in Evidence-Based Medicine’s Hierarchy of Evidence.” Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 52:2 (2009): 168-187.
Goldenberg MJ. “The Problem of Exclusion in Feminist Theory and Politics: A Metaphysical Investigation into Constructing a Category of ‘Woman’.” Journal of Gender Studies, 16:2 (2007): 139-153.
Secker B, MJ, Goldenberg, BE Gibson, F Wagner, B Parke, J Breslin, A Thompson, J Lear, PA Singer. “Just Regionalisation: Rehabilitating Care for People with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses,” BMC Medical Ethics 7:9 (2006).
Goldenberg MJ. “On Evidence and Evidence Based Medicine: Lessons from the Philosophy of Science.” Social Science & Medicine 62:11 (2006): 2621-2632.
Goldenberg MJ. “Evidence Based Ethics? On Evidence Based Practice and the ‘Empirical Turn’ from Normative Bioethics.” BMC Medical Ethics 6:11 (2005).
Goldenberg MJ. “On Empirical Approaches to Bioethics: Why Moral Deliberation Should Not Be Evidence Based.” Canadian Society for the Study of Practical Ethics Newsletter, Winter 2006.
Book Chapters
Goldenberg MJ. “Rethinking Debates about Pediatric Vaccine Safety: A Feminist View.” Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Science, eds. S. Crasnow and K. Intemann. Routledge, 2020.
Goldenberg MJ and C McCron. “The Science is Clear!” Media Uptake of Health Research into Vaccine Hesitancy.” Knowing and Acting in Medicine, ed. R Bluhm (pp. 113-132). Rowman &; Littlefield 2017: 423-444.
Goldenberg MJ. “Working for the Cure: Challenging Pink Ribbon Activism.” In Configuring Health Consumers: Health Work and the Imperative of Personal Responsibility. eds. R Harris, N Wathen, S Wyatt (pp. 140-159). Palgrave Macmillan, 2010: 140-159.
Reference Articles
Goldenberg MJ. “Evidence-Based Medicine.” In Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. eds. WC Cockerham, R Dingwall, S Quah. Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.
Goldenberg MJ. “Perspectives in Evidence-Based Women’s Health.” Journal of Women’s Health 19:7 (2010): 1235-1238.
Goldenberg MJ. “Health.” In Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History. Oxford University Press, (2007): 440-442.
Loughlin M, R Bluhm, J Fuller, S Buetow, REG Upshur, K Borgerson, MJ Goldenberg, E Kingma. “Philosophy, Medicine, and Health Care–Where We Have Come From and Where We are Going.” Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 20:6 (December 2014): 902-907.
Loughlin M, R Bluhm, DS Stoyanov, S Buetow, REG Upshur, K Borgerson, MJ Goldenberg, E Kingma. “Explanation, Understanding, Objectivity and Experience.” Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19:3 (July 2013): 415-421.
Loughlin M, R Bluhm, S Buetow, REG Upshur, MJ Goldenberg, K Borgerson, V Entwistle, E Kingma. “Reason and Value: Making Reasoning Fit for Practice.” Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18:5 (2012): 929-937.
Loughlin M, R Bluhm, S Buetow, REG Upshur, MJ Goldenberg, K Borgerson, V Entwistle). “Virtue, Progress, and Practice.” Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17:5 (2011): 839- 846.
Loughlin M, REG Upshur, MJ Goldenberg, R Bluhm , K Borgerson. “Philosophy, Ethics, Medicine and Health Care: The Urgent Need for Critical Practice.” Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16:2 (2010): 249-259.
Goldenberg MJ, K Borgerson, R Bluhm. “The Nature of Evidence in Evidence-Based Medicine: Guest Editors’ Introduction.” Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 52:2 (2009): 164-167.